Ask me ANY question and I'll give you the answer!


  1. Do you like you b-hole licked?

  2. Anonymous said...
    Do you like you b-hole licked?

    ANSWER: Only on the weekend. And only if you are trying to get it clean. This itself may take the whole weekend.

  3. Who would win in a fight Han or Indy?

  4. Angel said...
    Who would win in a fight Han or Indy?

    ANSWER: Well physically they are equal! Han is a space cowboy and Indy a whip toting dominatrix. Ultimately it boils down to Han has the bigger gun. In this case a blaster. Technology wins this one! But if it were an equal match think about the significant other. Han has a hairy ass Wookie and Indy only has some crazy bitch that isnt even in all of the movies! Again in the end the Wookie always wins!

  5. question to Angel:
    If you were to combine the names Han and Indy what would you choose?
    Hindy, Handy, Ian or Burt?

  6. Also to Angel:
    If I be Dr. Stupid do you be nurse ninny? And would you like to play doctor?

  7. Projectmatter said: question to Angel:
    If you were to combine the names Han and Indy what would you choose?
    Hindy, Handy, Ian or Burt?


  8. Projectmatter said:
    If I be Dr. Stupid do you be nurse ninny? And would you like to play doctor?

    ANSWER: I do and DUH I want to play doctor...

  9. Is it natural that I want to pet girls hair when standing behind them?

  10. Who would win in a fight Zim and GIr or Ren and Stimpy? What are your reasons for your answer?

  11. Is it ok to fart in a chics mouth if she is eating your ass and burps during that act? Do you think it is hot if she finishes after you fart in her mouth?

  12. Angel said...
    Who would win in a fight Zim and GIr or Ren and Stimpy? What are your reasons for your answer?

    Well it's like the Three Stooges and a malfunctioning robot. I dont actually know if any of them are smart enough to get it on! (a fight I mean). At the best Zim could reprogram Gir again and destroy the world. Hopefully with Ren and Stimpy in it singing Happy Happy Joy Joy! But Zim has the technology and if all of Ren's collection of rare incurable diseases didnt escape I think they would cancel each other out. A Mexican standoff minus the Mexicans. Or is it just space madness? Remember it's my ice cream bar I've had it since I was a child.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Is it ok to fart in a chics mouth if she is eating your ass and burps during that act? Do you think it is hot if she finishes after you fart in her mouth?

    First off the bitch better finish! Second of all it BETTER be a Rusty Trombone (for the uninitiated see the word of the day). Is it okay to fart? I feel if she is already there she might as well get the full experience right? A burp? Go ahead insult me!

  14. Angel said...
    Is it natural that I want to pet girls hair when standing behind them?

    Again the answer is YES and only if I can watch. Are they supposed to purr?

  15. What do you think would happen you you filled a room with a billion ants and only put in one ant eater, who will win that battle?

  16. Are you gay if another man gives you a blow job. It's not like you touched him!!!

  17. SpookShowAngel said...
    What do you think would happen you you filled a room with a billion ants and only put in one ant eater, who will win that battle?

    The Ants THEY always win! THEY will eat you too! if you had to ask!

  18. Anonymous said...
    Are you gay if another man gives you a blow job. It's not like you touched him!!!

    Well this is a difficult one to answer. Simply because there are so many answers. I could quote the movie Pecker "I'm not gay I'm trade the guys blow me!"
    Does this guy have a beard?
    Does he wear flannel?
    Technically you DID touch him! You put your dead eye in and on his throat!
    Ultimately YOU decide. How did it make YOU feel.
    It's a good thing I know who this Anonymous is and YES YOU ARE GAY!

  19. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  20. SpookShowAngel said...
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    First off is Chuck a homosexual? If so, I would say he would chuck a whole lot of wood. If he did it just to pay the rent I'd say he would chuck as much wood as he could. Do woodchucks chuck wood anyways? Go listen to "Tastes Just Like Chicken" by Scatterbrain for more info. Thanks for asking. Now I hope you can sleep better at night!

  21. why am i so excited about this internet thingamabob like its a new invention....

  22. Why do people always fart when they wake up?

    Why do some guys plat ghostbusters all day and not pay attention to their sweet girlfriends?

    Why is the sky blue?

  23. Sara Woznick said...
    why am i so excited about this internet thingamabob like its a new invention....

    Because you are a DORK!
    Dorks are often attracted to free sources of porn (like the internet)

  24. Anonymous said...
    Why do people always fart when they wake up?

    Why do some guys plat ghostbusters all day and not pay attention to their sweet girlfriends?

    Why is the sky blue?

    First off one question at a time! Don't rush me! Don't push me! Don't test me!

    Why do people always fart when they wake up?

    Because it feels good! maybe it's because you have been lying on your side all night and that fart bubble was trapped in your side and when you stood up you knocked it loose! Maybe it's just an early morning mating call! I don't know! Go ask your mom!

    Why do some guys plat ghostbusters all day and not pay attention to their sweet girlfriends?


    plat ghostbusters?
    Sweet girlfriends shut their mouths and don't ask questions. Especially a Housewife In Training! ..............NEXT!

    Why is the sky blue?

    SOOOOO MANY Turd boxes so much methane! Think about it. Gas is a light substance and will float thus rising to the heavens (makes me wonder what heaven would smell like) and the light from the sun refracts off of the tiny poo particles that are undoubtedly in all of those farts. The prismatic pooey effect is then viewed as the blue sky. This also explains a grey sky. I bet if you were to do a study the day before a grey sky there is a large run on Taco Bell. Think about it and when you eat think about the consequences!

  25. if a girl spits after a b.j. is she a indian head giver?

  26. do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?

  27. FUZZY1NUT said...
    if a girl spits after a b.j. is she a indian head giver?

    If she had a dot between her eyes or she lives in a teepee then YES she would be an indian head giver. However, just because she spits does not necessarily make her indian. In fact all that this does indicate is the said "girl" (you pedophile) just has no taste , does not like a protein packed snack, or, is simply a newbee! My first suggestion to you is find a "girl" of age and make sure she's a good old fashioned SLUT! Then and only then will your albino swimmers make it all the way out the turdbox! The idea of a virgin is much better than the reality! Move on and dump the lame ass! And ya woo-woo-woo!...............

  28. FUZZY1NUT said...
    do gay midgets come out of the cupboard?

    This was a suggestion by Spookshow:
    Obviously because they can't reach the closet handle!

    -Um I can't really do better than that except to say if thats where you store them the that's where they are gonna come outta!
    What the HELL is up with the name (FUZZY1NUT) ? was there an accident with a blowtorch that permanently dehairified the satchel and stole a testy? You are a twisted little monkey! I have this eerie feeling that you like to be oiled and spanked by boy in a room full of senior citizens. Sick! Sick! little monkey! Bad!
